B21F6BB4-1C5E-4341-9402-72115F03EA26 09. February 2023

Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria: Ströer shows UNICEF donation call on public video network

One of the strongest earthquakes in Turkey and Syria in nearly 100 years hit the regions with full force - especially many vulnerable children. Thousands of homes were destroyed, leaving families homeless and now exposed to the elements - this at a time of year when temperatures regularly drop below freezing and snow and freezing rain are commonplace.

UNICEF is therefore providing immediate on-the-ground support to earthquake victims: In Syria, the immediate focus of UNICEF's work is to ensure that affected children and families have access to clean drinking water and sanitation - this is critical to preventing waterborne diseases. In the area of child protection, the focus is on identifying children who have been separated from their parents or are unaccompanied and reuniting them with their families. Psychological first aid for children is also particularly important now. In Turkey, international assistance is currently focused on search and rescue efforts. UNICEF is coordinating with the government and the authorities' disaster and emergency management leadership on emerging needs related to the overall humanitarian response.

To support the work in the crisis areas, UNICEF is calling for donations - the donation spot can be seen nationwide on Ströer's public video network as a cooperation partner since yesterday.

More information: https://www.unicef.org/emergencies/Syria-Turkiye-earthquake