B21F6BB4-1C5E-4341-9402-72115F03EA26 19. August 2024

"Art creates democracy": Ströer presents selected motifs to the public

An artistic performative intervention in Thüringen calls for tolerance and democratic voting behaviour for the upcoming state elections in September 2024.

How can art create democracy? With an artistic intervention in public space by converting large-format billboards in highly frequented locations such as streets, subways or advertising pillars into exhibition space. The Hamburg-based and nationally active art foundation MeetFrida Foundation has planned the campaign together with the Kunstfest Weimar and wants to send a clear signal for democracy, freedom, diversity and dialogue during the state election campaign in Thüringen.

Regional and national artists were able to submit their artworks as part of an open call. An independent jury of experts from the fields of art, politics and culture selected seven artists from all the submissions. Three of them will be displayed on public billboards: Kimiya Justus, Coco Bergholm and Martin Bronsema. Their works will be displayed on Ströer billboards in public spaces throughout Thüringen during the crucial phase of the election campaign from August 2024.

But anyone interested can also become part of the campaign themselves. The artworks are now available for download at www.meetfrida.art/post/kunst-schafft-demokratie. Schools, social and cultural institutions as well as retailers and restaurateurs, for example, can simply download their favourite motifs and display them in shop windows or online to promote democracy and diversity.

The works will also be on display in a group exhibition in the library of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar as part of the Kunstfest Weimar. The opening of the exhibition will take place on 22 August from 5 pm, admission is free. The exhibition will be on display in the library of the Bauhaus University Weimar until 8 September.

In addition to Ströer, the project was supported by Kunstfest Weimar, Siemens Arts Programme, ERNA Foundation, Amadeu Antonio Foundation, GLS Treuhand, Erfurt City Council, Weltoffenes Thüringen, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Kulturmanagement Network and the Thüringer Agentur für Kreativwirtschaft.