B21F6BB4-1C5E-4341-9402-72115F03EA26 03. May 2024

75 years of the Basic Law & European elections: Information, education, and interaction on public video

On 23 May 2024, the Basic Law will be 75 years old. It is the foundation of our coexistence in a free and democratic constitutional state. Ströer is accompanying this anniversary, as well as the European elections, with various campaigns.


Information, education, and interaction - an extensive content program on ‘75 years of the Basic Law’, divided into several phases, has been running on Ströer's digital media carriers since mid-April. Ströer Media Creation developed the content program.

What are fundamental rights? What is the separation of powers? The adverts explain the most important concepts and facts about democracy, presented for both children and adults. Artists and photographers take part in the content modules and interpret the Basic Law in their visual language. Unicef participates in the campaign with a children's rights advert.


The European elections will then be addressed within the program modules. From 6 to 9 June 2024, the citizens of the European Union (EU) will elect the European Parliament for the tenth time. In Germany, elections will be held on Sunday, 9 June 2024.

10 days before the election, a ‘10-day countdown’ will be launched, focusing on the right to vote from the age of 16. The voting age in Germany has been lowered from 18 to 16 for the 2024 European elections. This means that many students will be able to exercise one of the strongest fundamental democratic rights in the European elections.


The 75th anniversary and the European elections are also to be celebrated creatively - with two special motif competitions for schoolchildren.

On the one hand, Ströer is looking for the most creative motifs on the theme of ‘75 years of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany’. In creative contributions, children, regardless of age or class level, can deal with one specific or all basic rights and send in their very personal interpretation of the Basic Law for the 75th anniversary.

Secondly, young people aged 16 to 20 have the opportunity not only to get creative but also to actively increase voter turnout with the art and painting competition ‘Demokratie in Bewegung: Your vote counts!’.

A jury will select the best motifs. These will then be broadcast for a week on Ströer's digital media carriers in the respective hometown.