B21F6BB4-1C5E-4341-9402-72115F03EA26 30. September 2024

Weleda: DOOH boosts brand awareness for natural cosmetics brand

The natural cosmetics brand Weleda has achieved measurable success with its digital out-of-home (DOOH) campaign for its “Skin Food” day care product. In spring 2024, the company relied on the power of public video to display its “Skin Food” campaign in selected cities in a target group-optimized way for young women between the ages of 20 and 39. The campaign motifs were shown for three weeks on Public Video Infoscreen, Public Video Station and Public Video Mall in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Berlin, Cologne and Munich. 

The accompanying advertising impact measurement showed that Weleda achieved a high level of visibility within this short period of time and was able to rise to second place among the most frequently remembered brands thanks to the DOOH campaign. A result that underlines the enormous reach and impact. And the campaign has a lasting effect, as the accompanying measurement shows: Advertising channel recall for digital screens in train stations rose to 38 percent. At the same time, the campaign achieved a very high visibility of 41%.

But that's not all: the positive impact of the DOOH campaign was also directly reflected in the sales figures. “After the launch of the DOOH campaign, Weleda recorded above-average sales. The uplift of the product range in Hamburg, for example, rose to 79 percent during the campaign period. Nationally, an uplift of 40 percent was recorded,” reports Iris Frieß, Head of Marketing Cosmetics DACH. Weleda was also able to strengthen its profile as one of the leading natural cosmetics brands, as demonstrated by a face-to-face survey.

“Weleda's DOOH campaign impressively demonstrates how digital outdoor advertising can not only increase a brand's visibility, but also lead directly to measurable sales success. DOOH is a sustainable approach with a demonstrable impact for companies that want to quickly achieve a wide reach and increase their sales figures,” says Richard Offermann, SVP Direct Client Sales Ströer Media Solutions.